Sunday, September 29, 2013


Hey Pretty People! Today I'm starting a new blog feature-WALK OF SHAME SUNDAYS! It's my weekly recap about all the unholy mess I've gotten myself into lately.

Weirdly, this week I actually didn't dabble in the dark side too much. However, I should confess that I did set up a couple of coffee dates with online dating dudes that might be slightly inappropriate. As usual, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.  One is for this Tuesday and the other is on Friday. So, we shall see!

*Obviously, if they show me their dick in a parking lot or do anything else that might be construed as ridiculously wrong, you will be the first to know. Promise! *

In my free time, I also wandered around half heartedly doing housework, eating far too many chocolate chip cookies *I'm not saying how many. More than is socially acceptable but less than a binge. You do the math* At a karaoke party Friday night I chose Billy Joel's Moving Out as my solo number.  *Not a huge Billy Joel fan, I just love yelling, Heart Attack-Ack -Ack-Ack-Ack at the top of my lungs. Try it sometime. It's awesome* and most shameful of all, I downloaded Miley Cyrus's Wrecking Ball from iTunes Saturday night at 2am. *And I was dead sober so really, there is no excuse for that kind of reckless behavior*

There you have it. My week in a nutshell. Not as embarrassing as going home at 3am with my panties in a wad and my eyeliner smeared halfway down my face...but still not my proudest moment. x

1 comment:

  1. Not a Billy Joel fan? (GASP!) A far cry better than Miley Cyrus anyway... :D But point taken about the lyrics!
