Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I feel incredibly lazy and rather ashamed that I haven't written a post in so long. Excuses? You betcha! My number one reason to justify this situation is that I moved from my super cool vintage apartment downtown into...a super cool vintage house!



It's all hardwood floors, subway tile and built in's up in here. :) Plus, a fireplace and a washer/dryer!  No more hauling my dirty unmentionables up and down stairs, hoping strangers don't accidentally paw through my stuff.

There are so many wonderful things about my new place, I feel that its just one big amazing Pretty Girl Discount slash upgrade from my old place.

As a transplanted city girl, its also my first foray into house dwelling as an adult and now that I'm firmly entrenched in the suburbs, I'm pretty excited to learn all about exotic things like: mowing the lawn, gardening (Wait! You mean I have to water the plants every day?), having a basement and paying for trash service.

Whoo-hoo! It's heady stuff people. It's The American dream. I moved in several weeks ago and have spent every spare second since staying busy unpacking and decorating.

I also painted,  hung pictures and bought a gnome. So, that's it, I am officially in now.

I have a home.

I also seem to have picked up a serious obsession with the reality show FARM KINGS somewhere along the way. I mean, where has this awesome hard working farmer family with NINE Nordic God looking brothers been hiding? Clearly, I should have been informed about their presence much earlier. Hmmph. That being said, I can't stop watching their show.,,GAC_26058_105638,00.html

I'm not gonna even attempt to lie, its all about the eye candy (Um, hello PETE KING!!!! )  but even cooler is the fact that they are insanely hard workers, diligent about promoting local farm to table food and are busting their asses to be successful farmers in this scary economy.

And did I mention PETE KING????

Um, sorry, where was I? Oh yeah...

They have so many jobs and get so much done in any given day that I feel extra bad about myself for not being able to accomplish the basic tasks in my little, simple life.

They have actually inspired me to do more with my own passions, that end, I will be revamping this blog and adding more info about the amazing products, weird stuff and random experiences I have encountered on a more consistent basis.

So, thanks again for checking me out and stay tuned for more, bigger & better to come!


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