Sunday, September 29, 2013


Hey Pretty People! Today I'm starting a new blog feature-WALK OF SHAME SUNDAYS! It's my weekly recap about all the unholy mess I've gotten myself into lately.

Weirdly, this week I actually didn't dabble in the dark side too much. However, I should confess that I did set up a couple of coffee dates with online dating dudes that might be slightly inappropriate. As usual, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.  One is for this Tuesday and the other is on Friday. So, we shall see!

*Obviously, if they show me their dick in a parking lot or do anything else that might be construed as ridiculously wrong, you will be the first to know. Promise! *

In my free time, I also wandered around half heartedly doing housework, eating far too many chocolate chip cookies *I'm not saying how many. More than is socially acceptable but less than a binge. You do the math* At a karaoke party Friday night I chose Billy Joel's Moving Out as my solo number.  *Not a huge Billy Joel fan, I just love yelling, Heart Attack-Ack -Ack-Ack-Ack at the top of my lungs. Try it sometime. It's awesome* and most shameful of all, I downloaded Miley Cyrus's Wrecking Ball from iTunes Saturday night at 2am. *And I was dead sober so really, there is no excuse for that kind of reckless behavior*

There you have it. My week in a nutshell. Not as embarrassing as going home at 3am with my panties in a wad and my eyeliner smeared halfway down my face...but still not my proudest moment. x

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I'm a redhead.
I'm super proud of this fact. Cause frankly, Gingers rule! However, it hasn't always been easy growin up red. *Suck it Jay-Z, you got nothing on me!* My people are Scottish and Irish. I'm so pale that I sparkle in the sun just like a teenage vampire. And I'm stocky. It's as if God decided to make my calves strong and my hips huge so that I could work in the fields between bouts of giving birth to one of my many litters of children of course. *Which would be awesome if Braveheart  was looking to find him a wife but men these days usually prefer a little less meat on the bone, or just prefer to bone really skinny chicks, which I'm not.*

Have you ever tried to put a pleated kilt over a big, fat ass? *Sooooo, not a good look.* Neither are the thick white socks that come with it whose only purpose as far as I can tell is to make my calves closely resemble a Medieval Times turkey leg. *These are the childhood traumas that haunt my dreams, people. Welcome to my nightmare.*

I grew up close to the beach in Orange County but instead of surfing, I spent weekends going to The Highland Games, listening to bagpipe music and being forced to eat liver and onions (plus bacon) every Sunday night. And you don't even want to know about the me.

*So, yes, basically I am that little girl from Brave but without the castle and mad archery skills.*

Being that my people are Gordon Highlanders, my entire life I've loved plaid but lately I've noticed that the world is trying to steal its thunder. It's like everyone wants in on the
#PlaidFad. Farmers, Golfers, Japanese Schoolgirls, hipsters, grumpy old men, hardcore punks, popstars, cowboys, A&F douchelords and Ren Faire role players. They are all mad for plaid.



 It's not fair, because as a ginger I feel that plaid belongs to us. It's our special right to wear it...not the world's. Redheads notoriously get shafted. We're shorthand for; cranky, unruly, angry, weird, strange, oversexed outsiders. And while *Yeah, that's pretty much true*, who wants to be reminded of that constantly? We lack the ability the tan, we're referred to as Pippi Longstocking by unfunny strangers on the street and we're the step-children nobody wants. At least let us have the fashion we are entitled to.

I say that we should start a #RedheadRevolution and take back what is rightfully ours...plaid! I nominate either Rupert Grint or Ewan McGregor as our trusted leader. Now, who's with me? *If you had deducted with your "scary good" sleuthing powers that my nomination was a sadly transparent and publicly desperate attempt to get either of these super hot gingers to contact me, you would be correct. Way to go Nancy Drew.*

So, problem solved! Redheads will hereafter reign supreme, cloaked in signature plaid which belongs solely to us! Now if I could only find a Scottish man who is willing to date a partner with two legs, I'd be all set.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


These days, everyone seems to be doing it. Looking over their shoulder at what lies just beyond in an endless attempt to upgrade. They want a better job, a better romance, a better life.

And I’m no different. I too want it all. I want the Pretty Girl Discount; want to be treated with respect and privilege. I want the world to toss me a smile and a wink as it rolls out the red carpet.

But I’m realistic. My priorities aren’t completely out of wack. I got this. I know who I am and what I should be aiming for. I don’t date out of my league. I stay in my lane.

Which is why my most recent online dating story is the most disturbing so far.

 I’m not gonna go into all of the sordid details, cause really, it’s not that important. But here are the vital facts:

Boy meets girl online.

Boy and girl have crazy chemistry and start talking and texting numerous times a day. The words baby and sweetheart mysteriously appear. The first text of the day and the last call before bed quickly become a daily occurrence.

Girl tells boy she is slightly chubby (#truthtalk) at the moment and working on getting healthy. Boy tells girl he just lost fifty pounds and likes a woman with a “real body”. He’s not worried. She is. She sends pics. Lots and lots of pics. *Some of which might have been naked pics. I’m not confirming nor denying that fact. Awkward. Let’s just move on, shall we?* He sees her photos and likes what he sees. A lot. Girl stops worrying.

Boy sends pics. He’s cute but never smiles. Not once. When girl asks about this boy tells her, “He doesn’t like the way his face crinkles up.” Girl thinks that’s weird and random but dismisses it cause she likes him.

One night, boy tells girl he has “A mild case of Cerebral Palsy. “ Girl googles this. Can’t find “mild case of” as it relates to CP anywhere but likes boy and is willing to go with it. He describes it as just having a “Little bit of a pimp walk.” Nothing serious.

Girl thinks that maybe having a little Cerebral Palsy might be a fair trade off for being chubby? Not sure. They make plans to meet.

Three days later, boy comes over to girl’s place and within minutes it’s clear that:

Boy has a serious fucking case of Cerebral Palsy.
Boy also has a condition where he has trouble looking people in the eyes. When she asks about the massive lack of eye contact that’s currently happening in the room, he mentions, “He is trying to work on it.” *Oh ok, good to know.*  
Boy also has really, really bad teeth (Black, rotting, crooked) and that’s why he barely opens his mouth, let alone smiles. Girl is no Shallow Hal but jay-us, boy has the teeth of an 1850’s Welsh coal miner. *So beyond not hot.*
After some intense and unsatisfying fumbling on the couch *Well, it was worth a shot* and a painful, semi-silent dinner at Outback Steakhouse *Classy!* boy turns to girl and demands to immediately take her home. It’s 9:30 pm.
So finally and most importantly, it is really super clear that boy…thinks girl is not good looking enough for him.  *Let’s pause for a moment and take that in, shall we?  Yes, surprise! Girl is the unattractive one in this story.*
That’s right…girl gets dumped by boy with Cerebral Palsy. *Brutal.*
*And no, before you ask, there was not anything else that happened or didn’t happen to scare him away. He straight up thought he could do better. Trust! *
Girl is in denial so she texts boy the next day. No answer. Girl can’t believe this is really happening. She texts one more time. Girl never hears back from boy.
The Bigger better deal strikes again.
My not so secret theory is that no matter what kind of baggage a guy is hauling around, he still thinks he deserves a 22 year old, smoking hot supermodel with a bra size bigger than her IQ who lives to make him happy.
God forbid he should commit to an average woman and miss his shot at eternal, endless bliss.

Obviously, I'm not a baby supermodel so I find this attitude beyond frustrating.

 I mean, I was willing to overlook this dude’s stuff…having Cerebral Palsy wasn’t even a deal breaker for me (*!*)…but somehow, I was the one who came up lacking.
It makes me question if by accepting him I was actually inviting him to reject me…I mean, in his mind I couldn’t have been that great if I was willing to put up with all that, right?
Oh, I don’t know. Whatever. I’m over thinking everything as usual. The point is, it was an epic Pretty Girl Discount Fail…but I’m still focused on improving me and moving forward, no matter what happens along the way.
So, to that end, I shook it off and took a field trip to my special happy place, Sephora, to check out the latest beauty products for fall. Because nothing heals the heart like a little shopping, right?
The first thing I found was this: Josie Maran Aragon Cleansing Oil. This product is genius!
I always have a really hard time getting all my eye makeup off without stripping my face of every last drop of moisture. I tried this stuff and it really works. It's oil but once you add water, it just seems like a mild, soapy cleanser and it totally removed all traces of my ultra black mascara with having to rub too hard. Plus, it wasn't super pricey-@ twenty bucks or so and if it will stop me from looking like a bedraggled raccoon...its priceless! 
I also loved all the new nail colors for fall. *Fancy!*

I guess gel nail polish is the latest deal. Which sounds amazing. My nails always end up chipping after three days max, whether I do them myself or pay for a professional manicure and it drives me crazy. So gel polish seems like a miracle solution.

I’ve never tried it but I have a friend who swears by it. Does it really last longer? I’d love to know…if you’ve given it a shot, hit me up and let me know if it works for you!
Finally, I decided to grab some on the go teeth whiteners. Mostly because I never want to be the person who’s rejected because of my teeth. I think because I suffered through nine years *Nine years!!!* of orthodontia that I like a good looking mouth on a man. So, I guess in the end, having bad teeth is the real deal breaker for me.
I like these little refresher thingys from Go Smile. You take one out, snap it to activate the gel and then apply it directly to your teeth. It takes about five minutes, max and really does work.

I got the thirty pack for thirty bucks and unless you go hogwild, this baby will last more than a year so its actually a steal.
So, as usual, I'm unsure as to when God is gonna give me my bigger, better deal. When I will finally be graced with a permanent Pretty Girl Discount, but you know what? When it does finally show up…You better believe I'll be smiling and my teeth are gonna be white! #TruDat!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I feel incredibly lazy and rather ashamed that I haven't written a post in so long. Excuses? You betcha! My number one reason to justify this situation is that I moved from my super cool vintage apartment downtown into...a super cool vintage house!



It's all hardwood floors, subway tile and built in's up in here. :) Plus, a fireplace and a washer/dryer!  No more hauling my dirty unmentionables up and down stairs, hoping strangers don't accidentally paw through my stuff.

There are so many wonderful things about my new place, I feel that its just one big amazing Pretty Girl Discount slash upgrade from my old place.

As a transplanted city girl, its also my first foray into house dwelling as an adult and now that I'm firmly entrenched in the suburbs, I'm pretty excited to learn all about exotic things like: mowing the lawn, gardening (Wait! You mean I have to water the plants every day?), having a basement and paying for trash service.

Whoo-hoo! It's heady stuff people. It's The American dream. I moved in several weeks ago and have spent every spare second since staying busy unpacking and decorating.

I also painted,  hung pictures and bought a gnome. So, that's it, I am officially in now.

I have a home.

I also seem to have picked up a serious obsession with the reality show FARM KINGS somewhere along the way. I mean, where has this awesome hard working farmer family with NINE Nordic God looking brothers been hiding? Clearly, I should have been informed about their presence much earlier. Hmmph. That being said, I can't stop watching their show.,,GAC_26058_105638,00.html

I'm not gonna even attempt to lie, its all about the eye candy (Um, hello PETE KING!!!! )  but even cooler is the fact that they are insanely hard workers, diligent about promoting local farm to table food and are busting their asses to be successful farmers in this scary economy.

And did I mention PETE KING????

Um, sorry, where was I? Oh yeah...

They have so many jobs and get so much done in any given day that I feel extra bad about myself for not being able to accomplish the basic tasks in my little, simple life.

They have actually inspired me to do more with my own passions, that end, I will be revamping this blog and adding more info about the amazing products, weird stuff and random experiences I have encountered on a more consistent basis.

So, thanks again for checking me out and stay tuned for more, bigger & better to come!
