Sunday, November 10, 2013


I give up.

I can no longer deny the obvious. I'm just standing still, spinning my wheels and going nowhere.  Since I started this project a year ago, I am no closer to getting my Pretty Girl Discount than when I began.

Even worse, nobody is reading this blog *Except you Holly, Chris & Julie. I know you are the only three people on this planet that give a fuck and for that, I will always be grateful* But let's face it, three people does not a movement make. It sucks to be ignored on a daily basis. And there is nothing worse for an artist than to perform to utter and complete silence. I can't even get people who actually know me to post a comment or take one second out of their busy lives to give me a thumbs up on Facebook, let alone get strangers in the real world to give me a Pretty Girl Discount.

*If I had a really amazing bitch face I would be doing it right now and it would look just like this*


*Or this!*

I guess I thought it would be easier. That all my hard work would eventually pay off. That all the stupid classes and self-improvement workshops and bad dates *Oh my God, the bad dates*

and gym time and power of positive thinking la-de-dah would somehow lead me to someplace better.

But it didn't. It hasn't. I hate to admit that my life is not improving at all. That I'm stuck. That every single goal I had set for myself has not come to fruition. But that's the truth. It sucks to fail so publicly but there it is.  I mean, there are only just so many times I can beat my head against the wall before it starts to really hurt.

So, I give up. Just like that.

Maybe I'm just one of those people that will never get what I want and I need to just accept it. Maybe I'm going about everything the wrong way. Maybe God has some insane master plan in store for me that will kick in when I'm eighty and make everything that came before it make sense.*Seriously, God if this is what's going down I am so not onboard for this option. Can you please come up with something else for me? Thanks * But for now...I give up. I tap out. I'm done.

I might come back. Regroup. Write some more. Try again. I might not. We'll see.  I'll let you know if I do. *That means you Holly, Chris & Julie* But for now I am gonna step away from the blog. Step away from the quest.  Stop trying to get people to care when they so clearly don't. Spend some time figuring it out.

Who knows? I've been a very good girl this year.

Maybe Santa will give me a Pretty Girl Discount for Christmas?


1 comment:

  1. Lydia, go ahead - step away for a bit - but dont you dare say your quitting......your articles are funny, full of insight and a breath of fresh air in today cluttered society! I look forward to your posts and always push them forward......if you had a click counter you would know how many hits your getting vs. comments! People are busy, but they do visit, read and move on......I want you to look at what you HAVE accomplished this year.....your a beautiful person, you deserve the world! I love you, care about you and am behind whatever path you take. I think maybe you had a bad week, or bad day - do not let other people define what you want to be - YOU define what you are -

    Now go kick the door in and bring the positive to you - its okay to go to the dark side sometimes - just dont stay there too long - (they do have cookies there tho)

    love you,

    Holly Wilson
