Wednesday, May 22, 2013


My PGD plan was in full effect. I was busy working out, repeating mantras and doing my best to improve my life in almost every regard. *Yeah, me!*

And that includes my dating prospects. If you’ve been reading this blog then you’re totally aware that I have the most random radar for picking super inappropriate men. It’s seriously a gift. Like, if he is an aspiring rodeo clown who works part time as a scrapbooking specialist at Hobby Lobby, has an addiction to fill in the blank (Alcohol/Porn/Captain Crunch with Crunch berries), thinks stopping by my apartment for a quick handy counts as a first date and likes to play shady shell games with his heart…then I’m all in and twice on Sunday!

My radar was in full effect when I finished working out last Thursday and then popped into the library for a quick browse of their new DVD releases (What? It’s only a $1 for a full week’s rental. So you can suck it Netflix!) As I was about to pick up Pitch Perfect, I was approached by a sweet, smiley black man with dirty dreadlocks who winked in my general direction and yelled loudly, “Hello pretty girl”.

Brilliant. He thinks I’m pretty. Made my day. But don’t worry. I didn’t stop to chat. Even I could see that he was not dating material. And I wasn’t even wearing my glasses. #RealTalk

The next night, I stopped by the grocery store after working out and sure enough, was hit on again. This time by a tall, good looking black man wearing headphones that strolled by me and asked, “So, do you work out?” “Uh, yeah. I just came from the gym, how did you know? *Sometimes, I really am just this dumb. I didn’t realize this was a line, I thought he just saw me there or something. Duh!* He slowly looked me over like a judge at a 4-H hog contest “I could tell you work out because you have a good body.” This was followed by the longest pause ever while he awkwardly stared at my ass in yoga pants for, oh…a good two minutes or so. Finally he licked his lips and spoke. “A goooood body” “Well, all righty then” I replied. “Thanks for that. Have a good night”

And that was the moment I decided I was done with crazy. I was going to have to sign up for online dating.

Here’s the deal. Everyone hates online dating. For good reason. Just the act of signing up for the thing forces a person to acknowledge their failure. Failure at being able to meet someone in the real world, in the ‘normal’ way. You know, like on Facebook.

Failure to get and maintain an intimate, committed relationship that leads to awesome togetherness grossing total strangers out by recklessly PDAing around town and spending Sundays lazily eating pancakes while simultaneously having midafternoon sex romps during an American Pickers Marathon.

It’s so public too. It’s like taking out a giant billboard advertising your unmarried status and saying, “Hey world! Guess what? I’m a loser and I have a complete and utter lack of other options. So, here I am, giving you single online realness! Uggh. It seriously begs the question…Am I defective or is the world, for failing to provide me with my heart’s desire? Hard to say, only God knows for sure and apparently he’s mad at me right now.

But I was tired of the ridiculous prospects I was getting.  Clearly I could not be trusted to meet a quality man out in the real world.

So what the hell, here we are. Even ‘pretty girls’ are forced to online date sometimes, so I put on my big girl panties *Not literally. I mean, I was trying to get a man. I went with a thong* and picked a site. I went with one that is free and seemed laid-back. Definitely didn’t go for the religious or niche sites (I’m not Jewish nor a Farmer). And I completely avoided posting a profile on Craig’s list or Plenty of Fish because I don’t enjoy being date-raped by narcissistic psychopaths who believe in aliens and still live at home with their over possesive mothers.

After answering what seemed to be an endless array of annoying personal questions (If you were an ice cream sundae, what flavor would you be? How often do you masturbate? Name a hilarious and embarrassing incident from your past! ) I finally posted a profile, held my breath, drank some more merlot and…this is what came back to me.

I’ve broken it down into a random cross section of responses. *Side note to loving but clueless family members. The next time you ask me, “So, who are you dating now?” and attempt to slide in a catty remark about me being “Way too picky” please refer back to the men listed below. This is what I’m working with. Thanks!*

Just Plain Wrong

Hi, I’m Craig, 34, handsome, smart, fun, work in finance, love dogs and…am married. You seem really beautiful and interesting. I travel to your city quite a bit from Chicago and would love to meet up with you for drinks, dinner and hopefully sex on a semi-regular basis. Hope you’re good with this. Get back to me as soon as you can.

*Umm…sounds so appealing to be the mistress of a Midwestern banker who is riding dirty, but I think I’m gonna have to pass on that Craig!*

Totally inappropriate

“Hello, I’m Cody! So, I came across your profile! You seem really interesting and I’d love to get to know you more. Hope you don’t mind. J

*Adorable, right? He sounds great until I realize he just turned 18 and I eventually want to have a baby, not date one.*

And Thomas whose first message to me was…

“Hey there, I was wondering if I can interest you in a cooking date over at my place. We could bake a think crust pizza, (If this really existed that would be hilariously awesome! I would totally eat a think crust pizza.) sip on some wine, chat a bit, watch a movie while cuddling up in my couch!”

*Wow Thomas, I know we’ve never met before but just FYI, I will make out like a horny teenager on prom night if I really like a guy but I don’t cuddle on the first date. I save spooning for a serious, committed relationship. But listen, since you’ve basically planned the whole thing anyway without even asking what I wanted to do… Are you even sure you need me? Why not just purchase one of those blow-up dolls? I’m pretty sure she’ll cuddle whatever you want, no questions asked! *

Then there was Jared…

His name was Jared so that should have been my first indicator. Anything and anyone named Jared is suspect. *This means you Jared* The name basically represents a dim-witted brosef who likes muscle cars, Ed Hardy shirts and fart jokes. *No offense to fart jokes.*

We emailed briefly and then went straight to texting. After one brief exchange I could tell he was a solid hell no.

To recap, this is what Jared had to say about Jared.

He was not just good but “amazing in bed” (his exact words) and he “just really liked to please women”. He was also in the middle of a messy divorce as he had just found his wife cheating on him on Valentine’s Day so he was looking to revenge fuck his way out of his depression. *Charming*.

I quickly wrapped up our text chat but he was relentless, texting repeatedly over and over again at two pm, at midnight and constantly the next day.

Wanting to know ‘What’s up?”

“Uh, hey Jared? Nothing’s up. Not for you anyway”

Finally, I texted back as nicely as possible to say that I wasn’t interested but good luck and take care.

He texted back, “That is so fucking gay”.

Which obviously did not even warrant a reply, so I ignored him.

And then he texts, “So, what? You’re not interested now?”

*That is correct Jared.*

He texts again.

“So, what you’re just gonna ignore me now?

*Yup…pretty much.*

I continue to ignore Jared and never texted back.

Three days later he texted me again, “What’s up?”

*Nothing, Jared. Nothing’s up for you. Ever! Jaysus!*

I move on to other greener, more inappropriate pastures. One guy writes…

“Hi Sweety i see your profil i lik it alot because you’re look a sexy and hounset girl. Shortly i like you and whantto be your freind I hope to your accept me like freind.”

*No, no I don’t accept you like freind. Sorry if this seems harsh, I was just being hounset. *

Behold the hipster idiot who messages me only these words…

“Rock hard!!! Hallelejujah!!!! I wanna play your ass like a video game. Lllool!”

*Put the pipe down now. I said put it down cause you are totally gonna regret this tomorrow. I know you are only doing drugs “ironically” but honey, your body doesn’t know that. You should just go back to playing YuGioh and stop messaging everyone on this site. It’s embarrassing*

I also got a lot of “You are gorgeous, you are beautiful, you are a stunning redhead.” Which was all very nice but they were usually from guys with no pictures or information whatsoever on their profiles. It was like being spammed by a crew of complimentary ghosts.  

I also got this message…

“You like sex? Cooooooool! You are built like a machine” #word


And this one which just might be my personal favorite…

“I like you, I am Chinese.”

 * I think it pretty much says it all don’t you? *


This dude’s first message to me was…
“You have some awesome pictures, but I’m sure every guy says that. If you’d ever want to pose (hands off) my female colleague would love to be your photographers. I’m always looking for new models willing for “pinup girl” and niche leg shots (in nylons only). If not interested, I completely understand.”

*Do you? Do you understand? Do you understand that all I wanted was a good guy to date and I’m not really looking to pose for soft-core fetish photographs in nylons for a total fucking stranger for free? I’m gonna take a pass on that…but thanks for trying to pimp me out to your friends. Uggh, I feel dirty. I gotta go take a shower now*

No Means No Mister

Meet Gruntor96. He messages me with the following:

“I am looking for right woman for a long trem relationship. Iam open for a relationship. I am hoset and trustworthy caring. I like walks and cuddly looking for a soul mate. I funny open minded.”

*I didn’t reply because I like to date men a little further up on the food chain…you know, guys with opposable thumbs and such.*

So then I get this…

“Hi how are you doing today like to hear from like to talk to you like to get know more and more about me this is Grunt96”

I ignore it so five minutes later I get this…

“Hi I can tel more about me if you want this is Grunt96 I am still working on profile”

*I ignore it again but feel a little bit bad…I mean, he is trying…*

Then I get this…

“I like to hear from more if want I like to get know you are you interested let me know you very fun presson I like to get to know and let more about me like said my profile I am still working on it this Grunt96 let me know”

*I stop feeling bad and start feeling trapped.*

Five minutes after that…

“I liked to really hear from I have go to work today but hear from like talk to you tomarrow if you want this is Grunt96”

*I start wondering if his name is Jared*

The next day I hear from him again

“I want talk I want see you feel you let me know we now this is Grunt96”

This went on for three days.

I never replied to him once.

That did not stop him in the slightest.

I was also messaged by this persistant jackwagon….

He was 22 so I very politely told him he’s too young for me…aaand so of course he then just keeps messaging me every day. Every. Single. Day.

These are his messages….






And finally he sends me this….

“So say your friends told you they heard a guy you seen around and they told you his…is almost as big as his forearm what would you think?

*I would say you seriously should not believe everything you see on the internet*

The Worst Kind

I totally saved the best for last. Here you go….this is real people! This guy (who btw looks about oh, 75 years old) sends me this classic gem

“Hey Cutie! My name’s George but you can call me PawPaw. What you up to Butterbabe?”

Just for kicks I message back, “How old are you?”

He replys, “I’m 63 years old but age doesn’t matter. Agreed? I guess my genital just got hard. Lol. They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth obviously they haven’t been on my genital. Lol. I just made my day. J

*Seriously? There are no words*

And Then There Was One

Hmmm….anything is possible with the right person. Out of all the men who messaged me, there is someone who fits the bill.  Handsome, grown-up, smart, sexy, funny and totally a non-serial killer type dude who reeks of possibility.

But no expectations…we will just have to see what happens. Fingers crossed he doesn’t show me a picture of his dick in a parking lot.

*God my standards aren’t very high are they? I seriously gotta do something about that*